The Great Resignation & Freelancing

The Great Resignation & Freelancing

The ‘Great Resignation’ is transforming the Gig Economy

The “Great Resignation” refers to people leaving their employers and starting businesses. Many economies worldwide are increasingly seeing people move away from traditional work and into freelance jobs. This trend will likely accelerate over the next several years as we adjust to the post-pandemic world. 

What is Freelancing?

Like everything done in the gig economy, Freelancing happens through an online platform. The biggest generalist freelancing platform around is Upwork, and Jonusta is a platform specifically for International Development professionals. Organizations post jobs they need to be completed on these platforms, and freelancers bid on them. Freelancers are rated on work completed on these platforms and build their reputations by delivering good quality outputs. The gig economy is growing fast, especially in industries like International Development.

Freelancing offers flexibility, variety & opportunity  

Freelancing offers many advantages over traditional employment. With freelancing, you can:

✔️Work on a wide range of projects. If you’re tired of doing the same old thing, freelance work can provide the variety you seek.

✔️Build your portfolio and network. Freelance work is a great way to expand your portfolio and network with people in your industry. This is especially true if you’re just starting as an entry-level employee and haven’t had much opportunity to build your professional body of work. 

✔️You can work on projects that interest you or offer a more significant challenge than what’s available at your regular job.

✔️You can work flexibly from home or under more hybrid work arrangements.

With freelancing, professionals from the global south can work on projects worldwide. This opportunity provides people who otherwise would not be able to travel abroad or take advantage of international development projects. Freelancing allows international development professionals to build their skills portfolio and contribute meaningfully toward building communities worldwide. Visit to get started today.


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