Author: jonusta

Work Life Balance

Work Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance can be challenging for any freelancer, but it can be especially difficult in international development where work often requires long hours, travel, and immersion in challenging environments. Here are a few tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance as an international development freelancer:

  1. Set clear boundaries: As a freelancer, it can be easy to blur the lines between work and personal time. It’s important to set clear boundaries around when you are available to work and when you need to take time off. This could involve setting specific working hours or setting aside designated periods to disconnect from work.
  2. Take regular breaks: Working long hours can be physically and mentally draining. Make sure to take regular breaks to rest and recharge. This could include taking short walks, stretching, or even taking a quick nap.
  3. Prioritize self-care: Working in international development can be emotionally demanding. It’s important to prioritize self-care and make time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit. This could include exercise, meditation, or hobbies that bring you joy.
  4. Stay connected with loved ones: When working in a different country or time zone, it can be easy to feel disconnected from your friends and family. Make an effort to stay in touch with loved ones through phone calls, video chats, or even a quick text message.
  5. Seek out support: If you’re feeling overwhelmed or burnt out, don’t be afraid to seek support from colleagues, mentors, or even a therapist. Working in international development can be rewarding, but it can also be challenging. It’s important to have a support system to help you navigate those challenges.

By following these tips, you can help ensure a healthy work-life balance as an international development freelancer. This will not only help you maintain your well-being, but it will also help you be more productive and effective in your work.


Tips to break in Global Development

Tips to break in Global Development

The international development industry is vast and complex, with a wide range of opportunities for those looking to get involved. Here are a few tips to think about as you look to break into this fascinating and important industry.

1. Develop a global perspective. One of the most important things you can do to break into the international development industry is to develop a global perspective. There are a number of ways to do this, including studying abroad, working or volunteering in another country, or simply keeping up with global news and events. A global perspective will help you better understand the needs of developing countries and the issues they face, which is essential for a career in international development.

2. Get experience. While a global perspective is important, its also essential to get some practical experience in the field of international development. There are a number of ways to do this, including internships, volunteering, and working on development projects. This experience will not only give you a better understanding of the work involved in international development but will also help you stand out when applying for jobs.

3. Learn a second language. While English is the language of the international development sector, speaking a second language (like French or Spanish) can be a valuable asset. Many developing countries have a number of different languages spoken within their borders, so being able to communicate in a language other than English can be a real advantage. learning a second language can also help you better understand the culture and customs of a developing country, which is invaluable for work in international development.

4. Get a degree in a relevant field. While there are a number of ways to break into the international development industry, having a degree in a relevant field can be a real asset. A degree in development studies, international relations, or economics can all be helpful in getting a job in international development. However, its also important to keep in mind that a degree is not required for many jobs in the sector.

5. Stay up to date. The international development industry is constantly changing, so its important to stay up to date on the latest news and developments. There are a number of ways to do this, including subscribing to developmentfocused news sources, following international development organizations on social media, and attending conferences and events. Staying up to date will help you better understand the everchanging landscape of international development and give you an edge in your job search.

And if you want to get a sense of the international development space and have solid transferable skills to offer organizations (like project management, grant management, or proposal management), then head over to and sign up to become one of our fantastic international development freelancers!

COP 27’s importance to Africa

COP 27’s importance to Africa

COP 27, also known as the Conference of the Parties, is an annual event where member nations of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meet to discuss and negotiate climate change mitigation, adaptation, and finance.

This year, COP 27 is being held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt from November 6-18, 2022.

COP 27 is important for Sub-Saharan Africa for many reasons.

🌎First, Africa is highly vulnerable to climate change. In recent years, we have seen an increase in extreme weather events, such as droughts, floods, and heat waves, which have had a devastating impact on livelihoods and economies.

🌎Second, Sub-Saharan Africa is a key player in the global effort to combat climate change. The region is home to some of the world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases, such as Nigeria and South Africa.

🌎Third, COP 27 is an opportunity for Sub-Saharan African nations to showcase their climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. For example, Kenya is leading the way in the use of renewable energy, while Ethiopia has been working to restore its degraded forests.

🌎Fourth, COP 27 provides a chance for Sub-Saharan African countries to build capacity and ensure that their voices are heard in the global climate change discussion.

In conclusion, COP 27 is a crucial event for Sub-Saharan Africa. It is an opportunity to raise awareness about the continent’s vulnerabilities to climate change, showcase its mitigation and adaptation efforts, and build capacity for the future.

Sustainability skills for a stronger tomorrow

Sustainability skills for a stronger tomorrow

Businesses are under pressure to adopt sustainable practices as the world 🌍 becomes increasingly aware of the need to protect our environment.

Many top business schools now offer great courses on sustainability, allowing professionals and executives to strengthen their understanding and acquire the latest thinking in this area. We look at three specific courses below:

🌳Cambridge University Business Sustainability Management course comprehensively introduces the topic. The course covers a range of sustainability issues, from environmental management to social responsibility. It includes both theoretical and practical components, giving students the chance to put what they learn into practice.

🌳NYU Corporate Sustainability course is another option for those studying sustainability in depth. This course covers various topics, including environmental reporting, sustainable supply chain management, and green marketing. Like the Cambridge course, it includes both theoretical and practical components.

🌳The Frankfurt School Certified Expert in Sustainable Finance is a more specialized course, designed for those interested in working in the finance sector. The course covers topics such as sustainable investing, green banking, and climate-related financial risks. It is ideal for those looking to enter the sustainable finance sector or to develop a more sustainable approach to their current finance-related role.

With so many great courses to choose from, there is no excuse to start your journey to help secure a more sustainable future for our planet.

The On-Demand Work Marketplace: The Future of Work

The On-Demand Work Marketplace: The Future of Work

The ondemand marketplace offers a new✨way for organizations to connect with fantastic vetted talent, and for individuals to find work that fits their skills and schedule.

There are several reasons why the ondemand work marketplace is well suited to international development.

👉First, it offers a flexible way for organizations to get the skills they need when they need them. Traditional hiring can be inflexible and slow, particularly in fastchanging environments where organizations must adapt quickly. Ondemand marketplaces like Jonusta provide talent that can be tapped into as needed, making it easier for organizations to respond quickly to circumstances.

👉Second, it provides access to a global pool of workers. With traditional hiring, organizations are often limited to talent within their own country or region. This can be a challenge in fields like international development, where skillsets may be rare or in high demand globally. Ondemand marketplaces like Jonusta give organizations access to talent from around the world, making it easier to find the right people for the job.

👉Finally, it can help reduce costs associated with recruiting and training staff. With traditional hiring, organizations incur significant upfront costs to recruit and train staff. With the ondemand marketplace, freelancers are highly skilled, experienced, and have flexible availability. This can help organizations save money while still accessing quality talent.

The ondemand marketplace is still in its early stages, but it is already having a major impact on how work gets done in international development. Come & join the on-demand revolution today at Jonusta.

Networking in global development

Networking in global development

One of the most important aspects of working in the international development community is networking. By building relationships with others who are working in the field, you can gain valuable insights, resources, and connections. Here are a few tips for networking and building relationships within the international development community:

👉 Get involved in professional associations and organizations. There are many professional organizations and associations that serve the international development community. Getting involved in these groups can help you meet others who are working in the field and learn about new opportunities.

👉 Attend conferences and workshops. Conferences and workshops are great opportunities to network with others in the international development community. Attend events that are relevant to your work and make sure to introduce yourself to as many people as possible.

👉 Use social media. Social media is a great way to connect with others who are working in the international development community. Use platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter to find and connect with potential contacts.

👉 Seek out mentors. Mentors can provide guidance, advice, and support as you navigate your career in the international development community. If possible, try to find a mentor who works in a similar field or who has similar experience to you.

By following these tips, you can start to build valuable relationships within the international development community. These connections can help you further your career and make a positive impact in the world. Looking to make a real difference in the world? Jonusta is your one-stop shop for finding and connecting with international development projects that need your help. Sign-up today!

Tips to land your next role

Tips to land your next role

There‘s no need to feel like job hunting is a soulsucking, thankless task. Follow these tips and you‘ll be sure to see results.

1. Believe in yourself 🙌

Selfdoubt is a job hunter‘s worst enemy. If you don‘t believe in your own skills and abilities, why would anyone else? Carry yourself with confidence and sell yourself to potential employers.

2. Get organized 🗒️

When you‘re job hunting, it‘s important to stay organized. Keep track of the companies you‘ve applied to, the positions you‘re interested in, and your progress in the application process. This will save you a lot of time and stress in the long run.

3. Network, Network, Network! 🤝

Networking is key in any job hunt as a lot of job openings arent even advertised. Talk to your friends, family, and acquaintances to see if they know of any openings that may be a good fit for you. You never know who might have a connection that can help you get your foot in the door.

4. Be patient 👀

Job hunting can be a slow process, so it‘s important to be patient. don‘t get discouraged if you don‘t hear back right away or if you don‘t get the first job you apply for. Keep putting your best foot forward and eventually, you‘ll find the right opportunity for you.

Join The Jonusta Community of Change Makers 🌍

To make your hunt a little easier, set up your profile with Jonusta which includes detailed information on what it is youre looking for in a job. Check out our fantastic new job board & connect with other Jonusta change-makers on LinkedIn or Twitter. When you sign up with Jonusta, you become part of a community of change-makers that is committed to making a difference. We are here to connect you with opportunities that make a difference.

Taking Risks Throughout Your Career

Taking Risks Throughout Your Career

Whether you’re just starting your career or are a seasoned veteran, taking risks is essential for professional development. The importance of taking risks is often overlooked and can have a significant impact if you take the leap and make an effort to implement them into your life.

Career Risks are Essential!
Taking risks can be scary. It’s hard to know what the outcome will be, and it can feel like a lot of pressure knowing that if you make the wrong choice, your career could be over. But here’s the thing: Not taking any risks is even riskier. If you never try anything new or different, how will your career ever progress? If you don’t have any failures throughout your time in business, then there won’t be any successes either! It’s essential not only to take risks but also to recognize when they’re paying off—even when they don’t seem like they are in the moment. The point is: While it’s important to stick with what makes sense now, sometimes we need to trust our gut and keep moving forward—you never know where life will take you next!

Side Projects
Side projects can be a great way to learn new skills and gain experience, which can help you stand out from other candidates. You might even be able to use your side project as an example of your abilities in interviews. Side projects can also build a portfolio of work, which will make it easier for you to find new work when the time comes. If there’s something specific you want to work on professionally but don’t have the opportunity at your current job, consider doing that project on nights and weekends instead! Freelancing is a great side project gig, so sign up to Jonusta today!

Taking risks throughout your career does not have to be scary. The key is to understand that even if you fail, as long as you learn from it and are passionate about what you are doing, all will be well. Risk-taking also allows you to look at things in new ways and see opportunities that other people may not see. Take some time this week and think about the risk you would like to take in your career — what do I want out of life? Do I want something more than just making money? Or am I happy with my current situation? If so, then keep working hard at what makes sense for YOU! Taking risks is important because it helps advance your career and professional opportunities but also gives YOU an opportunity for personal growth by challenging yourself.

Keep your skills sharp

Keep your skills sharp

When you’re a freelancer, you’re always working to stay relevant in your work. The market never stays still, so it’s important that you make sure that your skills are up to date.

Look for a MOOC or other online class that can help you improve.

MOOCs, or massive open online courses, are online classes offered by universities to the public. The cost varies by institution, but they’re typically free or very low cost. One great place for MOOCs is Coursera, which offers more than 2,000 different classes from many universities, including Stanford University and Yale University. Another (more pricier) option is GetSmarter – which has hundreds of courses from top universities. Lastly, there is Udemy which has more than 50,000 courses available for purchase or free with coupons within its marketplace. There are tons of open source platforms for development practitioners to learn new skills such as the World Bank Open Learning campus or the USAID ‘Links’ family of websites.

Try to build on areas for development when working on projects.

When you’re working on a project, try to pick an aspect of the work that you need to strengthen. Maybe it’s a specific thematic area or task that you don’t know too well.

Once you have identified an area in which to improve, make a list of what skill sets you need to develop further—both for this particular project and for your future freelancing career. Do some research online and ask friends who might have relevant experience for suggestions on where to start learning more about these skills.

Once you’ve made your list and started learning from books, websites or tutorials (YouTube is a fantastically underrated resource!), review the work that you have done so far and see if there are any changes that can be made based on feedback from others (e.g., “I should have included more details about X.”). It’s important not only as part of improving your own performance as a freelancer but also because it will help build trust among potential clients by showing them how attentive and thoughtful of their needs/interests you are as well!

Take advantage of opportunities to teach others.

Teaching is a fantastic way to keep your skills sharp as a freelancer. It gives you an opportunity to master the material, experiment with different ways of explaining it, and share knowledge with others in your field. In addition, teaching offers access to a whole new network of people who can be helpful when you’re looking for work or proposing new projects. It’s important that you find students who are willing and able to learn from your expertise—and that can be hard sometimes! But if you’re patient and persistent, it’s totally worth it.


It’s important to keep your skills sharp. As we’ve shown, you can learn new things at any time of day and from a variety of sources. We’re sure you’ll be able to find a few that appeal to you, and if not, there are always more resources out there. Have fun with it, and remember that the important thing is just to keep learning all the time. You never know what new ideas or insights might catch your attention or change the way you work for the better!

Review of UK IDS 2022

Review of UK IDS 2022

FCDO published its new International Development Strategy (IDS) on 16th May 2022. It’s a welcome update on the UK government’s position on development especially given recent upheavals on UKAID over the last 12-18 months. 

What did we like? 😀

👍 Emphasis on investment as a driver of growth and prosperity. We welcome the renewed focus on helping the global south to mobilize the investment required to build thriving and prosperous green economies. This will be critical to securing a sustainable planet for future generations. We also welcome the focus on trade (rather than aid) as a primary channel of growth.

👍 A renewed focus on unlocking the full potential of women and girls. The FCDO (and its predecessor, DFID) has been a long-term and steadfast supporter of women and girls’ development issues over the years including championing girls’ education, spotlighting the scourge of gender-based violence, reproductive health rights, and safeguarding. We 1000% welcome the renewed focus on continuing this fantastic support in an area critical to the long-term success of international development worldwide.

👍 Driving more effective approaches to humanitarian crises. We live in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world. Life is likely to become more rather than less VUCA as the world continues to deal with the fallout of regional conflict, demographic transitions, technology disruption, political upheaval, and climate change. So it is great to see the focus on improving the tools that FCDO will use to help address and mitigate these challenges and help vulnerable people in need.

👍 Ambitions to bolster global efforts to tackle the climate change crisis. The UK has shown great and ongoing leadership on climate change and it’s great to see commitments to increase ICF funding, leveraging development finance investment to support climate resilience and adaptation, and ensuring UK ODA becomes nature positive.

👍 Reduction in bureaucracy. Having ambassadors being ultimately responsible for the decision-making of the ODA budget at the country level is a welcome step away from the bureaucracy that resulted from the previous regime. 

 What wasn’t so great? 🤨

👎 The rebalancing of funds from multilateral to bi-lateral channels.  We understand the underlying political reasons for this change. The FCDO is a different beast from DFID and we recognize (in the wake of the recent integrated review) that the current UK administration is determined to leverage the links between HMG’s development, diplomacy, and defense channels in support of the UK’s strategic interests. But the VUCA nature of the various challenges the world faces means that UK leadership in multilateral organizations is required now more than ever. The UN, World Bank, IMF, and other multilateral organizations need change and reform and the UK has always been a solid voice for driving these reforms. It’s a shame therefore to see “rebalancing” away from multilateral channels flagged as a priority for this IDS. It also risks Britain’s voice in the global fora, which may lead to a reduction in its soft power. 

👎 Active pursuit of ‘British first’: The IDS states that “global development challenges cannot be solved by money alone [we agree]” and then goes on to list the various areas where the global south should draw on UK expertise to develop innovative solutions. There’s no doubt the Brits are good at many things and in some areas (like finance) they are world-class. But there are other countries (in the global North and South) that are equally as good as the Brits and could teach them a thing or two. The IDS could have better recognized the complexity of today’s reality  – the global south isn’t a desert of ideas or expertise simply waiting for a deluge of UK expertise to water it.

👎 Unclear accountability: The IDS is light on how FCDO (and other ODA spending departments) will be held to account for resources spent and results achieved. Details on how FCDO will work with the International Development Parliamentary select committee, ICAI, and civil society organizations such as BOND would have been really welcome.

👎 Lack of clarity on the numbers: There wasn’t much on the budget (both in terms of macro ODA numbers, departmental allocations, thematic allocations, Intra FCDO allocations, etc.) underpinning the strategy. The only thing mentioned was the £3b allocation towards humanitarian purposes. The latest UK spending review (i.e. the UK government’s medium-term budgetary framework) was completed in October last year so it would have been great to see the budgetary breakdown and allocations for the IDS. It was also disappointing to see no further update on when (if ever) UKAID will be restored to 0.7% of UK GNI.

In sum, the IDS is a welcome update especially given ongoing uncertainties over the UK’s political landscape (i.e ramifications of “partygate” on UK government leadership, etc). The UK ID sector has been rocked by uncertainty in recent years and it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that the UK’s much-vaunted leadership (and reputation) in the sector has suffered as a result. Whilst more emphasis on multilateral channels and details on budget commitments would have been welcomed, we can’t argue with the emphasis on climate change, women and girls, and the role of green investment and trade in building the global south. We look forward to the implementation of the IDS with great interest.